PUFAs have more than one double-bonded, or unsaturated, carbon atom. Like monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature, but they also stay liquid when they are chilled. When eaten in moderation, polyunsaturated fats can lower your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease. Sources of polyunsaturated fats include soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil, salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, walnuts and sunflower seeds.

MUFA (Monounsaturated fatty acids). MUFAs are high in vitamin E, a vitamin and antioxidant that keeps your body healthy by protecting your cells from damage. Cold pressed Almond oil, Flax seed oil, Sesame oil, Coconut oil and Mustard oil are rich source of MUFA.

Oil oxidation is an undesirable series of chemical reactions involving oxygen that degrades the quality of an oil. Oxidation eventually produces rancidity in oil, with change in natural flavour and smell.

The best oils are obtained as a result of cold pressed technique. Such oil extraction is done through pressing and grinding of seeds or fruits below a temperature of 50 degree C. Though it is a slow and time consuming process, yet such cold pressed oils retain all of their flavor, aroma, and nutritional value.

On the other hand, conventional oils are extracted using solvents and other techniques suited for large volume production. In such a process, the temperature easily exceeds 50 degreee C destroying the good properties of the oil. Traces of the solvent and other additives can make the oil carcinogenic apart from having several other ill effects.

True Oils are produced in limited quantity and are free of any additives. This makes them slightly more expensive. Since, it is normally consumed in small quantities and therefore is affordable.

Omega-6 fatty acids are essential fatty acids. They are necessary for human health, but the body cannot make them. You have to get them through food. Along with omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids play a crucial role in brain function, and normal growth and development. As a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), omega-6s help stimulate skin and hair growth, maintain bone health, regulate metabolism, and maintain the reproductive system.

Solvent Extraction is a process which involves extracting oil from oil-bearing materials by treating it with a low boiler solvent as opposed to extracting the oils by mechanical pressing methods (such as expellers, hydraulic presses, etc.) The solvent extraction method recovers almost all the oils and leaves behind only 0.5% to 0.7% residual oil in the raw material. In the case of mechanical pressing the residual oil left in the oil cake may be anywhere from 6% to 14%. The solvent extraction method can be applied directly to any low oil content raw materials. It can also be used to extract pre-pressed oil cakes obtained from high oil content materials. Because of the high percentage of recovered oil, solvent extraction has become the most popular method of extraction of oils and fats. However after extraction, solvent has to be received from oil to make oil fit for consumption. In case separation is not done completely the trace of solvents left in oil can cause unhealthy changes in the body.

Single-pressed oils are extracted by pressing the oil bearing material only once. This maintains the good properties of oil. The left-over residue still contains significant amount of oil which is extracted using expeller technique, this again degrades the properties of the material and reduces the benefits in case the expeller produced oils are mixed with single-pressed oils.

Neem oil mixed in equal quantity with coconut or mustard oil and applied once a week to the scalp can cure dandruff with in 4-6 weeks.There after sweet almond oil should be applied for good hair growth.

Sweet almond oil, Coconut oil and Neem oil can be applied with good results.

Massage using sesame oil, coconut oil, mustard oil and sweet almond oil is known to improve the bone strength and muscle relief.

Use it as a lamp oil or use it as refill for electric mosquito repellent kit.

The nutrients present in the oils are ‘burnt’ due to the heat and as a result it lowers the nutritional content of the oil.

Mineral oil is a colorless and odorless oil that’s made from petroleum—as a by-product of the distillation of petroleum to produce gasoline. It’s long been used as a common ingredient in lotions, creams, ointments, and cosmetics. It’s lightweight and inexpensive, and helps reduce water loss from the skin.

Mineral oil is considered “comedogenic,” which means it can clog your pores and increase the risk of acne and blackheads.

Palm oil, mineral oil with essence, soya oil. Any low quality cheap colourless and odourless oil can be used to reduce the cost of the oil.

The production of cold pressed oils is slow and the yield of oil per kg of grain/nuts is less, this makes the oil expensive. Conventional oils employ techniques for high volume production and use heat and solvents to increase the yield which leads to cheaper price but at the cost of the nutritional content.

Canola oil is extracted from of the canola plant (Toria in Hindi). It is also called Rapeseed oil. Once harvested, canola seeds are crushed and the oil contained within the seed is extracted.

The name ‘Canola’ was registered as a trademark in Canada in 1970. The name comes from “Can” as in Canada and “ola” as in oil!

Originally, rapeseed oil may not have had so many negative health effects. But for two main reasons, most canola oil today can be very harmful to your body.

Over 90 percent of canola oil is produced from genetically modified crop. Canola oil is a refined oil that’s often partially hydrogenated to increase its stability, but this increases its negative health effects.